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We conduct and support research that aims to improve the lives of people with a disability, their families and carers.

Each research project we are involved in aims to improve the ways in which people with disability are supported to lead empowered and enriched lives.

We support and improve practice through the translation of evidence into practice, advocacy, and informing and influencing Government policy.

Scope’s research priorities are identified in our Research Plan. This plan outlines our emphasis on researching outcomes associated with service provision, inclusion of people with disability in the community, and health and well-being.

The research program is strongly connected to Scope’s practice as an organisation – this means it informs, and is informed by service provision. Our research also aims to inform the wider disability sector.

Scope is heavily involved in multiple disability research projects. You can find out more about our current and past research projects below.

Research approval procedure

Scope is committed to research that leads to practical benefits for people with disability, their families and carers, and the wider community.

Scope will support some external research by assisting with recruitment. An application should be made using the Application to Conduct Research at Scope form. It is important to speak with Dr Stella Koritsas (Head of Research; 1300 472 673) to discuss your research before completing and submitting an application. Scope will not distribute invitations to participate in research if the application form has not been reviewed and approved.

Review of applications

All applications will be reviewed by an internal Committee. Due to the volume of research applications received, Scope is unable to support all research requests.

Applications will be assessed using a number of criteria, including:

  • Alignment with Scope’s Strategic Plan and Research Plan,
  • Benefit and relevance of the research to Scope customers carers, and/ or staff,
  • Potential impact of the research,
  • Resourcing required to support the research.

Submitting your application

Your application should be submitted to [email protected].

When submitting your application, please include:

  • Your letter of approval from a HREC
  • Information that will be distributed to potential participants (e.g., the participant information sheets, consent forms, brochures, flyers)
  • Data collection instruments (e.g., surveys, interview/ focus group questions).

The application form and all the above information should be submitted together as one single PDF file.

The outcome of the review will be communicated within four weeks of submission. Please note that the Committee may request changes to your application.

Applications with less than three months between commencement and completion will not be accepted.

Our team

Uo M photo

Dr Stella Koritsas

Head of Research and Honorary Associate Professor (University of Melbourne, School of Social and Political Sciences)

Stella has over 20 years’ experience in disability. The focus of her research has been on inclusion, health, and mental health in people with intellectual and developmental disability, and research that leads to positive outcomes for people with disability. She has worked in university and non-university environments. She is involved in a number of research and teaching activities at the University of Melbourne. 

Contact: [email protected]

Profile Pic Caroline

Dr Caroline Hart

Research Officer

Caroline has 20 years’ experience conducting research in both academic and non-academic settings. She has carried out research in the disability sector in Ireland, United Kingdom and Australia. Caroline has expertise in qualitative research and has substantial experience in mixed methods research. She is interested in practice-oriented, applied research that has practical benefits for people in their everyday settings. Caroline completed a PhD in Sociology at Monash University in 2019. At Scope, she contributes to a range of research projects related to outcomes, wellbeing and social participation of people with disability. 

Contact: [email protected]