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SIL Provider

A supported independent Living (SIL) provider offers tailored support and assistance within the home to help you live independently. This includes things such as Personal care, cooking, cleaning.

SDA Provider

A Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provider is responsible for things such as collecting rent and organising maintenance of the SDA enrolled dwelling, they may or may not be the landlord.

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)
SDA Design Category
The SDA design category for this house is Improved Liveability
Support model

This is the type of assistance provided overnight within the home. There is both Active (‘Active Night’) and Inactive (‘Sleepover’) funding available and this is determined based on your needs.

Seven days per week with sleepover support
Vacancies available
1 vacancy
Current residents

  • Three males between the ages of 40-60.
  • All residents attend day placement programs or other activities during the day and enjoy structured routines.
  • They enjoy art and craft, nature walks and cafes.

  • Convenient access to chemists, health centres, gyms, cafes, and Woolworths.
  • 20-minute walk to Canterbury Gardens Shopping Centre.
  • Nearby quiet parks and playgrounds with surrounding greenery.
Public Transport
  • Five-minute drive from Bayswater Railway Station and a one-minute walk to the nearest bus stop.
  • A bus is available on a fortnightly basis to offer shopping, day trips to picnic or visit places of interest.

Property features:

  • Open plan kitchen, living and dining area.
  • Three living rooms.
  • Large backyard with a vegetable garden.
  • Undercover sitting area for relaxing.
  • Central hub for fun activities such as jigsaw puzzles, board games, adult colouring books, painting and beading.
  • House has a pet cat.
  • A bus is available on a fortnightly basis to offer shopping, day trips to picnic or visit places of interest.

Property location

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