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Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) can be used with a person who has behaviours of concern.

A behaviour of concern is any behaviour that:

  • Impacts a person’s ability to participate in their community
  • Compromises a person’s rights, dignity or quality of life
  • Poses a risk to the health and safety of themselves, and/or others

Behaviours of concern may also be called challenging behaviours.

PBS is a person-centred approach which aims to understand what a person’s behaviours tell us. All behaviours have a meaning. When a person’s needs are met, we reduce reliance on restrictive practices.

The approach supports people with disabilities and their networks to increase participation within the community and ultimately improve a person’s quality of life.

Our service

Scope is the largest disability service provider in Australia. Our experienced team can support you and the person with behaviours of concern by:

  • Getting to know the person and the important people in their life
  • Learning about the life the person would like to live
  • Understanding what the person is communicating through their behaviour
  • Understanding internal and external factors influencing the person’s behaviour
  • Finding new ways to have a person’s needs met, decreasing their need to engage in the behaviour
  • Promoting independence, improved communication, coping skills and meaningful participation
  • Finding ways to build relationships with family, friends and staff and creating opportunities to actively increase meaningful interactions

Our approach is a human rights person-centred approach that is evidence based. Contact us to learn more.

Our team

Our multidisciplinary team work together to get the best outcomes for the individual. We employ Behaviour Analysts, Mental Health Nurse, Occupational Therapy, Psychologists and Speech Pathologists.

Who we work with

We work with people of school-age and above, including people with complex needs. We also work with organisations including schools, community services, day programs, respite providers, accommodation services and in home environments. We provide supports in the location that suits best, whether that is the home, school, in the community or at other services or locations.


Want NDIS funding for positive behaviour support?

There are funding options available including National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – capacity building category, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFS) funding and Disability Support for Older Australians Program (DSOA). You can also pay directly for the services you use.

Find out more

Enquire today

We currently have very limited capacity to take on new clients outside of certain areas. Please contact us to discuss whether we are able to provide this service and for wait times.

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