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Scope is committed to being a child safe and supportive organisation that respects, supports and promotes children’s rights, with zero tolerance for child abuse or misconduct towards a child.

Scope is creating a culture of inclusion and productivity that encourages children to have a voice and participate in decisions made about them. Scope will ensure children are supported to speak up and that they understand they will be taken seriously.

Scope acknowledges certain groups of children have been identified as especially vulnerable, and will take every measure possible to ensure these groups of children have access to support and are empowered to participate.

Everyone at Scope is responsible for helping to create a safe and supportive environment for children. Scope will ensure staff, volunteers and students are supported to fulfil their obligations to child safety. Expectations in relation to staff behaviour are outlined in Scope’s Code of Conduct.

All allegations and concerns based on reasonable belief in relation to children’s safety will be treated seriously and investigated appropriately. Reportable incidents and complaints are raised externally to the relevant authority.

Scope’s commitment to child safety is implemented and monitored against the Victorian Child Safe Standards.