Why personalised support plans are the future of disability services in Australia
Discover why personalised support plans are essential for the future of disability services in Australia. Learn how they can improve the lives of those in need.
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Easter is a great time to try some sensory activities. Here’s our top 3 to try so that everyone can participate in Easter fun.
Are you looking for ways to get into the Easter spirit that everyone can enjoy? Sensory play is a great way for people of all ages to engage with the world and learn. Not only that – it’s fun! Let’s make sure everyone is included this Easter and has an egg-cellent time with these sensory play ideas:
This is the ideal dough for messy, entertaining sensory play! It’s simple to create with only two ingredients and has a great soft texture you can mould and create shapes with.
This sensory delight is another messy one, however, because it’s mostly soap, the clean-up is quite effortless!
Here’s a mess-free twist on traditional Easter egg dyeing, and the leftover rice makes for a great sensory bin.
Let us know if you try any of these Easter activities, or if you have any you’d like to share!