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We’ve developed a new and contemporary syllabus for Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) that integrates with immersive virtual reality coaching experiences. Find out more, including what staff thought of the experience, in this short video here.


Measuring Outcomes

At Scope we don’t just do high value research, we apply that research in practice. After building our evidence base over several years, we developed MiSO which offers disability service providers an evidence-based tool to reliably measure impact and service outcomes. MiSO was our nominated product when Scope was ranked in the AFR Top 100 Most Innovative Companies. Find out more about MiSO here

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Tools2Talk Now App

At Scope we have a keen interest in making the most of new and emerging technology to better support people with disability. We created a ready-to-use app, Tools2TalkNow, for easy creation of tailored communication aids. Explore Scope’s full range of communication aids here.

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Our exploration continues, testing 3D printing to create “objects of reference” as communication resources.  We’ve also worked with Swinburne University’s Centre for Design Innovation to identify the kinds of new products that our clients believe would assist them at home, at work or in their community. For e.g. an accessible USB port.