Scope welcomes ‘energetic and enthusiastic’ Therapy graduates
Recent university graduates eager to cut their teeth in the disability sector have enjoyed an intensive two-day workshop preparing them for their budding careers.

Late last year, Scope proudly launched the Best Care for People with Communication Disability (Best Care) project at an event in collaboration with Ambulance Victoria.
Best Care is a new multi-million-dollar program to educate and train health professionals on how to effectively communicate with patients with communication disability during medical emergencies.
It includes a suite of resources that have been co-designed with input from people with lived experience, ensuring their practicality and effectiveness in real-world healthcare settings.
Some of the resources created as part of the project include: a communication book, training videos, Easy English resources and Key Word Sign posters.
Maree Ireland, Access Services Advisor and Trainer generously shared her experience in hospital as a person who uses a communication device and the impact of the Best Care resources.
Our CEO Kate MacRae highlighted how creating more accessible environments can be achieved through meaningful collaboration.
“Best Care is a powerful example of what can be achieved when organisations, healthcare professionals, and individuals with lived experience come together with a common goal: to ensure that everyone is heard, understood, and respected,” said Kate.
“The result of this collaboration and co-design is a comprehensive set of resources that we believe will significantly improve accessibility in emergency healthcare.”
The project was made possible by a NDIS Information, Linkages, and Capacity Building Grant.
Learn more about the Best Care project by visiting the News and Stories section on our website: Best care: accessible healthcare for people with communication disability