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Effective communication is paramount in daily life as it serves as the cornerstone of human interaction and understanding.

Communication shapes how we connect, express ourselves, and comprehend the world around us. Clear communication fosters meaningful connections, facilitates cooperation, and promotes empathy and mutual respect. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or social interactions, the ability to communicate effectively enhances every aspect of our lives, enabling us to share ideas, solve problems, and navigate the intricacies of modern society.

Tools2Talk Now represents an innovative solution designed to empower individuals with speech and language challenges to communicate more effectively and independently. Developed with a focus on user-friendliness, Tools2Talk Now offers a range of customizable features and communication tools tailored to the unique needs of each user. Whether it's through picture-based communication boards, personalised communication tools, Tools2Talk Now provides individuals with alternative means of expression, enabling them to participate more fully in conversations, activities, and daily interactions. As a versatile and intuitive communication app, Tools2Talk Now serves as a valuable tool for enhancing communication, fostering independence, and promoting inclusivity for individuals with speech and language difficulties.

Understanding speech and language challenges

There are many people with communication needs including people experiencing the following:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviours. Individuals with ASD may exhibit varying degrees of speech and language impairments, ranging from nonverbal communication to atypical speech patterns.
  • Aphasia: Aphasia is a language disorder typically caused by brain injury or stroke, affecting the ability to understand or produce speech and language. Depending on the location and severity of the brain damage, individuals with aphasia may experience difficulties with speaking, understanding language, reading, and writing.
  • Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral palsy is a group of motor disorders caused by damage to the developing brain, often occurring before birth or during infancy. While primarily characterised by impairments in movement and muscle coordination, cerebral palsy can also affect speech and language abilities, leading to challenges in articulation, voice control, and oral communication.

Challenges faced by individuals with speech and language difficulties

  • Limited verbal communication: Individuals with speech and language difficulties may have limited verbal communication skills, making it challenging to express their thoughts, needs, and emotions effectively through spoken language.
  • Difficulty understanding language: Understanding spoken or written language can be challenging for individuals with speech and language disorders, leading to difficulties in following instructions, participating in conversations, and comprehending social cues.
  • Social isolation: Communication barriers can contribute to social isolation and difficulty forming meaningful relationships. Individuals with speech and language difficulties may struggle to initiate or maintain interactions with others, leading to feelings of loneliness and exclusion.
  • Frustration and low self-esteem: Difficulty communicating can result in frustration, anxiety, and low self-esteem, particularly in social situations where effective communication is essential for building connections and expressing oneself.
  • Academic and professional challenges: Speech and language difficulties can impact academic and professional success, affecting performance in school, employment opportunities, and access to educational resources and support services.

The role of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) technology

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) technology refers to a range of tools and strategies designed to support individuals with speech and language difficulties in effectively communicating their thoughts, needs, and desires. AAC encompasses various methods, including gestures, symbols, pictures, text, and electronic devices, to supplement or replace traditional spoken communication.

The primary purpose of AAC technology is to provide individuals with speech and language challenges the means to express themselves and participate more fully in communication and social interactions. By offering alternative modes of communication, AAC technology empowers individuals to overcome barriers to verbal expression, enhance their independence, and improve their quality of life.

Tools2Talk Now is an innovative AAC app designed to enhance communication skills and facilitate effective communication for individuals with speech and language difficulties. Developed with accessibility and user-friendliness in mind, Tools2Talk Now offers a range of features and customizable tools to support diverse communication needs.

How Tools2Talk Now works

Overview of key features and functionalities of the app

  • Customisable communication boards: Tools2Talk Now allows users to create personalised communication boards using a library of symbols, images, and text options. These boards can be customised to suit individual preferences and communication needs.
  • Picture-based communication: The app offers a picture-based communication system, enabling users to convey messages, needs, and desires through visual symbols and icons. This supports individuals with limited verbal communication abilities or those who benefit from visual support.
  • Text input and text-to-speech: Users can type messages directly into the app, and the text-to-speech functionality converts typed text into spoken words or sentences. This feature facilitates communication for individuals who can use written language but may have difficulty with verbal expression.
  • Voice output: Tools2Talk Now includes built-in voice output capabilities, allowing users to hear spoken words and sentences generated by the app. This feature enhances accessibility and comprehension for individuals with speech and language challenges.

Demonstration of how users can create and customise communication boards

  • Creating a new board: Users can start by creating a new communication board within the app. They can choose from pre-designed templates or create a custom layout from scratch.
  • Adding symbols and images: Users can populate the communication board with symbols, images, or text representing various words, phrases, or concepts. Tools2Talk Now provides a library of symbols and images to choose from, covering a wide range of topics and categories.
  • Customising layout and design: The app allows users to customise the layout, size, and arrangement of symbols on the communication board. Users can also adjust colour schemes, background images, and other visual elements to personalise the board to their liking.
  • Saving and organising boards: Once the communication board is created and customised, users can save their designs within the app for future use. Tools2Talk Now also offers options for organising boards into categories or folders for easy access and navigation.

Explanation of built-in tools for visual supports

  • Visual supports: Tools2Talk Now offers a range of visual supports, including customizable communication boards, symbols, and images, to aid in communication and comprehension for users with speech and language challenges. These visual supports enhance accessibility and understanding, facilitating effective communication in various contexts.

Tools2Talk Now stands as a crucial tool for supporting individuals with speech and language challenges, empowering them to communicate effectively, participate actively in social interactions, and enhance their quality of life. By offering customizable communication boards, speech output, and text-to-speech functionality, this innovative app addresses the diverse communication needs of users across various environments, including home, school, and the community.

To access Tools2Talk Now and unlock its benefits for yourself or your loved ones, you can download the app for Android and iPad devices through the following links:

Inclusion Advice Community


The 14th of September marks R U OK? Day, a significant reminder to check in with your friends, colleagues and loved ones, including those with a disability. It only takes a simple question to start a conversation – ‘Are you OK?’


Inclusion Community

Personalised Support Services

Personalised support in this context refers to a holistic approach that considers not only the specific disabilities of individuals but also their preferences, strengths, and aspirations. By embracing this approach, disability support services aim to empower individuals, foster independence, and promote inclusion within society.

Man in wheelchair with support worker