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Moving into your own home is a big decision.

There are lots of things to consider – it’s important that the place not only feels right to you, but also has everything you need to live comfortably. From the vibe you get from potential housemates and the ways they contribute to your everyday life, to physical features of the home itself, the more you can uncover at the start, the better off you’ll be.

Here are a few things to consider before you choose the right SIL or SDA home:

Who are your housemates?

Most people who use SDA funding to live independently will move into shared accommodation. Which means you’ll need to think about your ideal housemates and the general atmosphere in the house.

What activities do the residents enjoy?

  • Time spent doing group activities? What about solo time
  • Do staff encourage independence and participation from residents, such as cooking or making decisions about meals?
  • What is the atmosphere like in the house? Is it loud, fun, and busy? Calm, quiet, and relaxed?
  • Does it have a ‘homey’ feel, with signs of the different housemates who live there?
4 young male friends, hugging and smiling

What’s the house like?

Always thoroughly assess the property to make sure it suits your needs and hopes for a home. The more you can find out, the better you’ll be able to judge if it’s right for you.

Questions to ask:

  • What’s the outdoor space like? Is there a backyard? What about a veggie garden?
  • Do the hallways easily accommodate wheelchairs? What’s the situation with steps?
  • How many living areas and bathrooms are there, and does the overall layout suit what you’re after?
  • What condition is the house in? Does it look clean and well-maintained?
  • What are residents expected to supply themselves? For example, bedding, linen and bedroom furniture including mattresses, recliners, and beds?
  • Is there access to a vehicle, and if so, does it suit your needs?
  • What’s the location like? Is the house close to local services and public transport?

Who’s helping out?

Your next line of questioning is all about the support that comes with the home. You want to make sure that your support crew is there for you, when and how you need them. For example, when you choose Supported Independent Living at Scope, our highly trained and experienced staff provide support tailored to your needs, so you can lead a full and enjoyable life.

Questions to ask:

  • What training and accreditations do the staff have? For example, do they have their First Aid and CPR certificates
  • Does the current staffing situation meet your care needs? For example, is someone there overnight or just during the day?
  • Are the support workers in the house permanent and familiar with each customers’ needs and preferences?

How do you seal the deal?

If you think you’ve found the perfect home, then it’s time to ask the practical questions around rental agreements and paying rent.

Questions to ask:

  • What’s the monthly rent and lodging information?
  • Are there any other additional expenses that residents need to incur, like utilities or other services?
  • When do you start paying rent? Is it after the Residential Statement and Service Agreement has been issued? And how soon will these documents be issued?
  • Are there any ‘house rules’? Think pets, sharing resources, having visitors stay overnight or come for meals, or smoking areas?

Start out with Scope

At Scope we strive to give each and every resident the room to pursue their passions and to be themselves within a nurturing environment. A place they can call home. Know more about our SIL services or search for our available properties here.

Or get in touch with our Vacancy Coordination Team who will be by your side the whole time – from sorting out your funding, to house inspections, to your application

Supported Independent Living

Harrison finds a new home

Harrison was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis as a baby. He can't speak but one of the few words he says clearly is 'Mum'.

Harrison 2

Supported Independent Living

Ali's Story

Moving house can be unsettling, but for Scope client Ali, it was particularly troublesome. Ali is now a permanent resident at Pascoe Avenue in Victoria, but that hasn’t always been the case.
