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Getting out in the backyard is a great way to spend an afternoon. But when you use a wheelchair and the ground is soft and muddy, it becomes problematic.

Scope client Tony from Church Street in Victoria has always enjoyed getting outside for some “free vitamin D”, according to House Supervisor, Nicole Allen. “We have seven residents at Church Street, most of whom have mobility issues. Everyone loves to spend time outside, but the uneven surface made that a bit dangerous.”

“Tony in particular wanted to go out and explore the whole yard away from what he calls the ‘speed police’ indoors, but his wheelchair got bogged a couple of times and it was just becoming too risky.”

So Nicole and the Church Street team applied to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing for a new concrete path to be built out the back, and a month or so later, their wish came true. The backyard is now paved and accessible for everyone.

The house celebrated by holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony, with Tony doing the honours.

Tony is on the right path
Tony in his element

“Tony and the other residents can all access the full length of the yard and pick the plums from the tree down at the back fence now,” Nicole says. Tony is pretty pleased with it too. “It’s a long path, I can go fast and turn around on it” Its good!” Tony says.

“We’ve even set up a little seating area out there with a birdbath for one of the other residents who likes to enjoy a cuppa in the sunshine; and Tony can drive a bit faster out there, which he loves!”

What a great outcome team! We hope everyone enjoys the outdoor area at Church Street for many years to come.

Supported Independent Living

Questions to ask when choosing your new SIL home

This is the fourth article in our series on Supported Independent Living. Catch up on what SIL is, How Scope can help and things to consider before moving out.

Scope Residents