Develop skilled and competent staff with Scope’s Mealtime Management Training.
Delivered by an experienced speech pathologist, this engaging yet comprehensive course includes a mix of theory and practical elements. Our training is specifically designed to train disability support workers to provide the upmost care and support to customers with dysphagia.
Scope can provide your organisation with customised Mealtime Management Training to ensure compliance with the latest NDIS practice standards and policy.
Throughout the course participants will be given several opportunities to practice modifying and testing food and drinks to each level typically prescribed.
Participants will then apply this newfound knowledge by modifying a dessert and drink to meet the requirements outlined in an example mealtime management plan.
By learning how to achieve the right food consistencies, your staff will be able to provide better choices to customers who require their food to be modified.
About this course
Course details
Learning overview
- What is Dysphagia?
- Indicators and impact of dysphagia
- The social and emotional importance of mealtimes
- Modified mealtime equipment
- Modified food and drink consistencies and texture requirements in accordance with the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI)
- Hands on practice modifying food and drinks according to the IDDSI.
Course duration
5 hours, including a mix of theoretical and practical activities.
Flexible. Locations could be a home environment, day program centre or a training room with access to kitchen area.
Class size
10 participants.
Please contact us for a quote specific to your organisation. The course can be funded in a number of ways, including both organisation and participants funds.